Lavender Heart Tea: A little teacup's healing journey
Lavender Heart Tea is a collection of love notes, monologues, short stories, and poems dedicated to my personal healing journey to reconnecting with my authentic self. The origin of my healing journey began by a seemingly innocent request to God asking Him to create a path for me toward a more authentic existence. In return, my life completely flipped upside down and everything I knew and loved and claimed as my truth gradually began to disintegrate. Unaware initially of the bigger picture at play, I fought integration by clinging onto what I knew. But then, I became ill and ultimately tired of experiencing the same toxic patterns and finally surrendered to the unknown. In doing so, I realized the pains of my present were actually pains of the past I never fully healed; some, I was aware of and others, I only recovered through intentional practices of stillness and meditation. Through grounding into my body through the five senses, exploring my energetic centers, also known as the chakras, shadow work, and inner child healing; I realized all the answers I needed to heal were within me. To heal, it simply required me to cultivate the willingness to get still enough to allow the integration of the authentic self to activate. It also required the understanding that God lives within me, not outside of me, and I had the power to shift my life into the most aligned space for me in the present moment. My ultimate realization was that I am many things and I owe it to myself to continuously explore and honor each of my smaller pieces that create my bigger picture.
Lavender Heart Tea explores my ongoing healing journey through a collection of love notes to my inner child, monologues to my adult self to better help reparent the inner child, and various short stories and poems that creatively explore various revelations and "ah-ha" moments I've experienced throughout my journey.
Tap into Lavender Heart Tea and join me on this ongoing journey geared toward reconnecting with the authentic self. What is the authentic self? The authentic self is the self/state of being that the Creator intended for us to be. The self we may have shunned from or disengaged with with the goal and hopes of better aligning with the world and others.
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