Keep "Running Up That Hill:" 3 tips for creators to keep in mind, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4 inspiration

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Keep "Running Up That Hill:" 3 tips for creators to keep in mind, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4 inspiration


Hey y’all!

I hope this message finds you well.

Today, I want to take a moment and send a love note of inspiration to all my fellow creatives, entrepreneurs and artists.

Unless you have been under a rock, I'm sure you've heard that Netflix’s global hit, Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1, returned to our individual big screens on May 27th after a three year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fans from across the globe reunited with our favorite Hawkins gang and as a day one fan, I was completely blown away by this new season and I am eagerly awaiting Vol. 2's release on July 1st!

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspirationImage: Netflix, StrangerThingsTV (Instagram)


Stranger Things, Season 4, Vol. 1 spoilers are ahead: You’ve been warned!!

Trauma: Hawkins' new villain's favorite dish

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspirationImages: Netflix, StrangerThingsTV (Instagram)

Overall in my and many other's opinions, this season of Stranger Things has been a much darker and way more sinister experience than any of the previous three seasons. I personally believe this to be true because this season has the most realistic theme. It addresses more practical and relatable traumatic experiences, such as, identity crisis, child abuse, shame and guilt and body dysmorphia. The new villain, Vecna, has proven to be the most realistic and scariest villain to date. Unlike the previous villains of the series, Vecna is more human-like and can easily attach himself from the "upside down" to victims "in the real world" that are experiencing traumatic events. The trauma of others feeds Vecna and makes him more powerful, while simultaneously, creating more gates and openings between the two worlds. This is a problem because as long as there are pathways between the two worlds, the sinister energy from the upside down will continue to plague the residents of Hawkins and many others. I will fully discuss my think piece on Vecna post the release of Season 4, Vol. 2 on July 1st once it is revealed how the Duffer Brothers and writers fully depict Vecna for the conclusion of this season.

Sadie, sink..don't rise!


If you’re a nerd a.k.a a fan, by now you understand what it means to say, “that scene,” but for those of you unaware, allow me to briefly explain. Stranger Things, Season 4, Vol.1, Episode 4 is titled “Dear Billy." It is the episode that closely follows Max (Sadie Sink) as she comes to realize that she has been cursed by Vecna and will soon meet her demise if she and the Hawkins gang do not solve the mystery of Vecna's curse. "That scene," is the scene in which Max has been summoned by Vecna and is seconds away from being crushed and twisted like a pretzel, but the newly beloved duo of Nancy (Natalia Dyer) and Robin (Maya Hawke) have relayed the message to Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) that in order to break the curse, they need to play Max's favorite song on her portable cassette player. It is revealed that Max's favorite song is "Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God)" by Kate Bush. The Hawkins gang scrambles to locate the tape, sets up the cassette player, and blasts the song in Max's ears. Within Max's subconscious, we see an opening appear as the song begins to play. It affords Max the opportunity to narrowly escape Vecna's grip and return to her body (the conscious) and live to see another day... for now.



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Keep “Running Up That Hill” Kate Bush Inspiration

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspirationImage: Billboard, Kate Bush
Kate Bush released "Running up that Hill (A Deal with God)" in 1985 and it peaked at the No. 30 spot on the charts. Now a whopping 37 years later, not only is her song featured on the global hit, Stranger Things, which during its opening week ranked #1 in 83 countries, with over 269 million hours viewed (and counting), her song has now reached the No. 8 spot on the US Billboard. Not only serving as a "blast from the past" Easter egg for her previous fans, but also a window of introduction and opportunity for new generations to explore her discography and brand. I can't quote Kate Bush, but I believe it's pretty safe to say that Kate Bush did not create her song with the thought of it being featured on a future sci-fi, mega hit series about monsters, teenagers and Eggos (the girls that get it, get it) nearly 4 decades after its debut, but solely for the purpose of creating because it is what her heart and passions led her to do.

What is the point and connection of all this you may ask?

The point is to inspire you to continue to create and follow your heart in spite of the lack of external validation you may be currently experiencing. To encourage you to create and detach from "what could" possibly happen and simply create for the sole purpose of creating because it is what resonates with your heart and it is what you feel called to share with the collective. To motivate you to not allow yourself to succumb to imposter syndrome and overthink yourself out of releasing your art from the sheer fear of rejection from the world. 

Check out my related YouTube video, “The Discomfort of Entrepreneurship” 

Keeping the faith in your art without external validation  

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspiration


Creators and sole entrepreneurs of today, are not only required to create our art, we also have to create the necessary marketing and "putting ourselves out there" content across the many, ever-changing and growing social media platforms. It is more than a notion to muster up the courage to put yourself out there creatively, only then to have to also create the aesthetically pleasing, witty, relatable and trendy content in the various required formats across the different social media platforms. And after putting all that work into the universe, to not receive the  external support you desired can be extremely discouraging. I know as creators we hope to create, click publish and share and wake up the next day with millions of followers and reviews gushing over our art, but most of the time, that is not how it happens. Take it from me, I know the struggle!  This is why you as a creator can not only be driven by external validation, but in large parts by your own internal approval. The approval and guidance from your intuitive compass; knowing that you are following your heart when creating and whoever your art is for, it will be for. I'm not saying you shouldn't desire any external validation and support at all because as humans we do need and value community. But, I am saying to not let the lack of external validation be the sole driver for the reason you choose not to create and share you gifts with the world. Most creators have the desire to create communities of like minded individuals that see the value of the art they share, but it takes time, discipline and consistency to build those sorts of authentic tribes; which again is why external validation cannot be your only "why" you choose to create. Now of course, this notion is wayyyyy easier to say than to experience and as a neurodivergent and highly sensitive individual myself, trust me, I get it!  But you have to hold the faith in yourself and believe with your entire being in the dreams you have for yourself and your art because sometimes, you will be the only one you've got in your corner.

3 Tips to Keep in Mind when Creating

Keep "Running Up That Hill:" 3 tips to keep in mind when creating without the external validation you desire, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspiration


1. Know your "why"- Set your intentions for why you are choosing to create what you are creating and do not lose sight of that. When you keep your "why" at the forefront of your mind, it will help you push through on the rough days when self doubt entangles your thoughts. Often, we can get so fixated on what we consider big numbers of followings and support and lose sight of the initial vision. If your "why" is to help people feel seen and heard, even knowing you helped one person is a major win! I keep my "why" on sticky notes surrounding my workspace. The sticky notes serve as constant positive reminders that I am able to refer to throughout the day for bumps of motivation. Learn to detach from what it could or  what you think it should be and just let it be and trust that you made the best decision to create it. 

2. Quality over quantity- In a time where everything is expected to be fast-paced and instant, remember to not let the pressures of creating just for the sake of relevancy lead your creative flow. As I mentioned above, it is easy to become fixated on our social media analytics, especially if you have by chance built a significant following on any of your social media platforms. But again, do not let that determine your artistry pace.  Know that those that truly support your art will never rush you just for the sake of a new release. This is not to be confused with their excitement and/or eagerness for your next project, but true supporters will respect your creative boundaries. Quality work will always surpass mid-level, rushed work. Also, knowing when to step back and rest when needed, is a key step to authentic creation. Even the Creator took a rest on the 7th day.

3. Know that everyone will not like, support or "get" your art- You are not everybody's cup of tea and that's okay! I always say someone that is liked by everyone is putting on different masks to appease the current situation and is not operating from a truly authentic space. When you stand in your true authenticity, you do not have to worry about those that do not like your work. As I mentioned in tip #1, when you know your "why" your art will resonate with those that it is intended to touch and encourage. Again, the girls that get it, will get it! (word to mother, @Khaenotbae

Lavender Heart Tea: A Collection of Love Notes Monologues, Short Stories & Poems Dedicated to Reconnecting with the Authentic Self by LaKeshia T. Williams is now available on paperback, Kindle/eBook, and audiobook!

“Lavender Heart Tea is a delight…I love it!” -N. Webb

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspiration

I wrote this poem of inspiration for all the creators, entrepreneurs, and artists, “I am Enough, Now:”

Keep "Running Up that Hill" Following your heart and creative flow with or without external validation, Kate Bush + Stranger Things Season 4, Vol. 1 inspiration



So, what are you waiting for?

Keep "running up that hill” and keep creating! Remember: when you follow your heart and intuitive creative flow, you are always on the "right" path, with or without external validation.

Until next time. lakeshia t williams







📝Don't be shy! Let me know what you think in the comments below, let's chat about it!


With Love Keesh

To tell you a little about myself: I'm a Shreveport, Louisiana native. I have always been a writer: I first started writing at the age of six. Over the years, I have inconsistently tapped into various forms of writing, including, résumé generating and editing services, blogging about various topics, etc., but each time, I would create a trivial reason to quit. With the help and prophetic word from my therapist, I finally chose to step fully into my purpose as a healing writer; one with the intention to create a safe space for those interested in reconnecting with their authentic self through full body, mind and soul integration healing.

Did you know I have a podcast? Tune in to the latest divine feminine energy healing lesson:



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