We love you Eddie! Why the world fell in love with Stranger Things' Eddie Munson
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Hey y'all!
I hope this message finds you well.
It's been a little over a week since many of us nerds, I mean, Stranger Things fans stayed up until the wee hours of the morning binging the nearly 4 hours long conclusion of Stranger Things, Season 4 Vol. 2. Many have argued that Season 4 has been the most sinister, yet best season to-date and are eagerly awaiting for the 5th and final season to grace our home flatscreens in 2024. If you are new here to my blog, love notes from keesh, I have a series titled, Entertainment turned Authentic lesson, where I deep dive into fictional movies and tv series and extract and present to my community real life jewels that can be used in everyday life.
In this love note, I want to discuss one of Stranger Things, Season 4's newest characters, Eddie Munson and why, in my humble opinion, I believe that the world fell head over hills for the new addition to the Hawkins' gang and how I believe Eddie's storyline can assist us all as we journey on our own unique healing paths.

Image: Netflix
Stranger Things, Season 4 spoilers are ahead: You’ve been warned!!
Meet Edward Munson
Image: Netflix
Edward "Eddie" Munson (Joseph Quinn) is arguably the most loved of all the new characters that Stranger Things has introduced to us post season one over the years (sorry Bob (Sean Astin) and Alexei (Alec Utgoff), we still love you though!). Stranger Things has an annoying pattern of introducing new, amazing and dynamic characters to its watchers that we feel connected to for various reasons and then snatching them away from our hearts prematurely. But why did Eddie's untimely death hit so many of us so deeply? I believe because unlike the other lovable, fan-favorite characters introduced within other seasons, the Duffer Brothers and writers really dove deep into the character traits of Eddie. Within his short run on the show, we learn about some of Eddie's personal details, such as, his unacknowledged and disregarded educational struggles/development disorders and his estranged relationship with his father; we really got to know Eddie on an inmate-level. We witnessed him in several transparent and vulnerable moments that allowed us to really get a feel into Eddie's true character and morality. Those sort of intimate insights is what has led to the seemingly global wide uproar for Eddie's return in Season 5 because now, what is Stranger Things without Eddie Munson? But, I'm getting ahead of myself...
We first meet Eddie in Season 4, Episode 1: The Hellfire Club as he sits amongst his friends and fellow members of the Hellfire Club animately reading an article slamming their favorite pastime, Dungeons and Dragons. The article discusses how communities across the states are concerned that the game is not just a game and hosts satanic roots. Which actually does highlight the very real panic surrounding Dungeons and Dragons' 'morality' back in the 1980s. Eddie is initially introduced to us as a sort of brash, crude "freak," the latter crowned by another new character of the season, Jason (Mason Dye) (booooo, but I digress) who is the total opposite: the popular, "inspirational speech giving" jock. Even with this sort of setup initially paved for Eddie, the OG fans know immediately there must be some good underneath that long mullet and tough guy persona because in the past seasons, we have witnessed Mike (Finn Wolfhard), Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin) and Will (Noah Schnapp) be the outsiders and bullied often, yet we see two of them, Mike and Dustin, sitting and engaging at the lunch table with Eddie. Now while Eddie does 'shake the table' a bit and declines postponing the D&D campaign scheduled for that night (because Lucas has crossed over to the "dark side" and has a basketball game to participate in) we figure there still has to be some sort of soft spot there, right?
Later in the episode we witness a much softer and more meek version of Eddie who is summoned by Hawkins High sweetheart, Chrissy (Grace Van Dien). Chrissy calls out to Eddie because she has been experiencing traumatic thoughts and visions and is hoping Eddie has something that will "take the edge off." In my previous love note, Keep Running Up That Hill: 3 tips for creators to keep in mind, I discussed the new villain Vecna and it is later revealed that Vecna's curse is the culprit behind Chrissy's hallucinations; unbeknownst to anyone at that point. By the end of the episode, Chrissy is crushed by Vecna and Eddie bolts (like anyone would, right?) and it is in the remainder of the season's episodes that Eddie is embraced by the Hawkins' gang and we get an even deeper dive into his character. From episode one, we are highly intrigued by Eddie and by the conclusion of Season 4, we were left sobbing uncontrollably alongside Dustin not once but twice (and with Uncle Munson) as we watched the life leave from Eddie's eyes and listened to Dustin's sincere monologue about his late, great friend.
But how did we end up here; in shambles over a fictional character? I'll tell you how..
Lavender Heart Tea: A Collection of Love Notes, Monologues, Short Stories & Poems Dedicated to Reconnecting with the Authentic Self by LaKeshia T. Williams is now available in paperback, ebook & audiobook
Reclaim your authenticity through intentional shadow work
6 reasons the world fell in love with Eddie Munson
1. He's Dustin Henderson approved
When Max (Sadie Sink) initially suggested that Eddie could indeed be a suspect in the murder of Chrissy, Dustin immediately shut it down without any sort of knowledge at the time that Vecna even existed. We trust Dustin's approval of someone's character and the fact that Dustin was so confident in Eddie's innocence, even though we saw first hand he had nothing to do with Chrissy's murder, we were sold on Eddie's overall good morality. Over the years of the series, Dustin has proven to be the heart of the Hawkins' gang (Sorry Will, but it's not Mike). Dustin has always been big on the group being together and there for each other. He is always sincere in his actions and wants the greater good not only for his loved ones, but for his beloved home of Hawkins.
2. He's vulnerable and transparent
As I mentioned earlier, we first see a glimpse of Eddie's vulnerable side when him and Chrissy meet out in the forest and as the episodes of this season unfold, we see even more of Eddie's softer side. We see him open up to the Hawkins' gang about what he saw happen to Chrissy all the way to the end where we see a tender moment between him and Dustin as the gang prepares weapons of mass destruction to fight Vecna. Many of us saw right through the sweet moment and knew tragedy inevitably awaited him, but anyone could see the sheer delight in his eyes as he made Dustin promise to "never change." I'll even extend it to him being transparent with Steve (Joe Keery) letting him know it was not his idea to jump into Water Gate to save him and that Steve should try to "get that old thang back" with Nancy (Natalia Dyer) because it was her that jumped in first; no questions or hesitation. Because I mean big boy Steve is hot, but is he dive into the upside down with no plan hot? We Stan a transparent and honest King.
3. He's motivated, even after multiple setbacks
Even though the many adults in Eddie's life failed to provide him with the resources and assistance he needed to pass his classes and successfully graduate, he was still hopeful and motivated to finally graduate that year. It was never actually said but one can predict that Eddie was suffering from some sort of development disorder, more than likely ADHD or on the autistic spectrum. Being neurodivergent myself, this created an even more personal and relatable connection to Eddie for me. Since the first episode, Eddie proclaimed that '86 was his year and many of us fans are solid in our delusion, that '86 will indeed be his year! Eddie never gave up on himself and we'll never give up on him holding up his middle fingers as he crosses the stage with his diploma in his hands *sobs uncontrollably.*
Look at this beautiful artwork I saw on Twitter...all the feels🥹
artwork: sal, @buriedbloom
Check out my related YouTube video, "Why it's okay to say 'UM' + Realizing I'm on the autistic spectrum:"
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We learn quickly that Eddie is the leader of the Hellfire Club and that the other members highly respect and care about him. Steve later reveals to us just how much Dustin gushes about Eddie being such a good friend. Even in his dying, final breath, he made Dustin promise him that he'd look after the others in the Hellfire Club. As I mentioned earlier, Eddie took Mike, Dustin and Lucas under his wings when no-one else would. He created a safe space for them once they entered high school and made it his business to look after them. He even welcomed Lady Apple Jacks (Priah Ferguson) into their safe space after some lighthearted and witty repertoire.
5. He's his authentic self
I believe Eddie has become one of the show's favorite characters because he was always his authentic self. Even in Dustin's monologue to Uncle Munson at the end he stated that, "Eddie was just Eddie." And when people are just themselves, even when you don't fully understand them, you respect it. It wasn't the fact that Eddie was a heart throb (don't come after me Doja Cat) or that he was a bad ass, rocking guitarist or that he loved our beloved Dustin; we love Eddie because we just love Eddie. His stood firm in who he was and even checked Robin (Maya Hawke) when she had the audacity to not acknowledge his cassette tapes as music.
6. He's a hero
And not because he sacrificed himself in the end to demobats, but because of all the previous 5 reasons combined.
Eddie was his own person and even though we feel his death was unnecessary, it was apparently something Eddie felt he had to do for himself. We are all on unique paths and we must individually decide how we can best stand in our power and authenticity. In a world full of copy cats and many wanting to fit in at all costs, Eddie never cared about any of that. It is truly heroic to just be yourself; continually making the necessary shifts and decisions for your life and standing boldly by your choices.
Be your own hero and set yourself FREE
So, what lessons can we take from Eddie as we continue on our own healing journeys and unique paths to authenticity?
1. Surround yourself with supportive community. And that doesn't mean your chosen community members will always understand or "get" everything about you, but they will allow you to be yourself and support you as they can in doing so. Surround yourself with loving and caring people you know that if by chance you are fleeing town because you've been accused of murder when it really was an unhinged, super powered child turned flesh monster, that your community would know without any evidence or facts that you are innocent.
2. Be vulnerable and transparent. This isn't to say you have to shout all your business and experiences from the top of the mountains, but never be afraid to be who you are out loud. Stand in your truth because the real ones know that transparency and vulnerability are your greatest superpowers.
3. Believe in yourself and your life journey. Even if no-one else does or is incapable of seeing your bigger picture. And this goes for anything in your life. Keep going, keep believing, keep trying. Never give up on you and the desires and goals you have for yourself.
4. Be solid and confident within yourself and let those around you openly be themselves without judgement. Create space for yourself and your chosen community to be as you all are without being overly critical of one another. Walk your journey with trusted loved ones and support each others' decisions for each of your own personal growths and expansions.
5. Be authentic in whatever way that looks for you. That's it; that's #5.
6. Be your own hero. No-one is coming to save you. No-one can heal you, but you. Your community can support you, but it is only you that can stand ten toes down for whatever it is you are believing for your life. We are all our own heroes.
Be your own hero and set yourself free of the expectations of the world, your peers, your family and live your life in the way most authentic to you. It doesn't matter what others think of you, what matters most is what you think of you. And of course as humans we desire and need community, but never shrink yourself to fit into space not conducive to your vibrational frequency. Dare to be authentic, dare to do the most. Be unapologetically you and heal and grow at a pace most comfortable for yourself. When you are authentic, just know not only are you owning who you are unapologetically, you are also living in purpose. Our purpose in this life is to be authentic because we were all created uniquely. When you are in alignment with who you truly are, no matter how it looks or is perceived by others, you are on the right path in life.
Until next time.
📝Don't be shy! Let me know what you think in the comments below, let's chat about it!
To tell you a little about myself: I'm a Shreveport, Louisiana native.I have always been a writer: I first started writing at the age of six. Over the years, I have inconsistently tapped into various forms of writing, including, résumé generating and editing services, blogging about various topics, etc., but each time, I would create a trivial reason to quit. With the help and prophetic word from my therapist, I finally chose to step fully into my purpose as a healing writer; one with the intention to create a safe space for those interested in reconnecting with their authentic self through full body, mind and soul integration healing.
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I found your blog through a post about Eddie on Facebook.
This is just the best rundown on why we love Eddie that I have seen.
Now I was a bit late to the party when it came to watching Season 4 as I wanted to wait until the whole series was available & that I had some time off work to get really stuck in & enjoy it.
Because of this, I knew what to expect with the storyline & new characters etc from social media.
Before I even started watching season 4, I had fallen in love with Eddie from watching clips & photos from the show & knew I was just going to love him even more once I started watching.
The combination of a sweet, kind, loving, funny guy who is so passionate about his music (like me), into metal (like me) & yes…just that little bit hot made him the perfect character.
I hope the fan theories are right & we see Eddie return in some form in season 5 because he deserves so much more screentime.
With the added bonus of having Joseph Quinn play him, who is an amazing actor. Eddie is SO different from the characters he normally portrays & he makes the role his own, flawlessly.